Website Woes

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Spent the day trying to come up with a new template. I know that frames are so yesterday, and CSS divs are the way to go. However, I didn't get anything to look the way I wanted it to, and I have been feeling too cranky and tired to put up with that sort of stuff today.

So I made a couple of changes to my old website instead. One thing that I just can't get to work though is that when you're using Internet Explorer and are on a PC, the links in the top frame below the image won't show up - AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!

They are there on Firefox (Mac and PC) and Safari (Mac). I can't test it on any browsers/platforms right now. I even ran the W3C validator on that particular page and it didn't come up with any errors apart from the language specifications. And to be honest I don't feel like giving it any more thought, either. I think Firefox is the best browser there is anyway, I don't see why so many people still put up with that crappy IE.

If you do happen to be on Internet Explorer, don't worry (at least not about my page that is. You should still worry about security and missing out on tons of new features!) If you can read this, you are on my main page. You might not be able to visit my other links, but since they don't have that much content anyway, you're not missing anything really.

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