What Leon de Winter said...

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I'm sitting at work, catching up with the news because it's been a bit of a slow day so far - unlike yesterday, when I was so stressed out by the time my "lunch break" finally arrived (at 3.30pm!)that I took a little sunbath in the yard and prompty fell asleep. I'm slowly becoming a huge fan of "power naps", I slept for 20 minutes tops, but that made all the difference.

So how am feeling? I'm not sure. I think the change in the political climate unsettles me. While everyone is crying out for changes and reforms, I'm thinking, "Surely you can't be so naive to believe that the CDU is going to make miracles happen here?!". I can't help it, I just think that any political party that has the word "conservative" scribbled all over their political agenda is not what this country needs right now. Going conservative does not automatically create a blooming economy just because it's a "change". A very bad change.

I found this quote by the Dutch writer Leon de Winter at Spiegel Online, which sums up my sentiments on the current political leaders very nicely:
"Natürlich hatte Gerhard Schröder keine andere Wahl, als jetzt den Wähler noch einmal zu fragen, ob er weiter machen soll. Das Problem ist, dass er im Herbst keine Chance haben wird, weil ein breiter Teil der deutschen Bevölkerung das Vertrauen zu ihm verloren hat. Dabei ist Schröder eigentlich ein guter Politiker - nur eben nicht in Krisenzeiten, denn er ist ein Mann der Kompromisse, nicht der klaren Visionen. Der CDU traue ich es ebenfalls nicht zu, die Probleme Deutschlands zu lösen."

Neither do I Leon, neither do I!

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